Privacy Policy
Yläperän Safarit Oy / Kilpisjärvi Reindeer
Harjuntie 15, FI-99490 Kilpisjärvi
Corporate Code 2954454-6 

This document contains information on how Yläperän Safarit Oy/Kilpisjärvi Reindeer, hereafter referred to as the Merchant, collects, handles, and stores the Customer's personal data.

When the Customer contacts the Merchant to book a service, personal information is required. The Merchant complies with the General Data Processing Regulation (GDPR) and is aware of the Customer's right to access the collected personal information and the right to have it inspected, amended, or erased.

How Customer Data is Collected

  • Directly from the Customer during the booking process

  • From the person who makes the booking on behalf of the Customer, e.g., a family member or a traveling partner

  • From a travel agency, tour operator, another person, a company, or an association that makes the booking on behalf of the Customer

Purposes for Collecting Customer Data

  • Processing the Customer's reservation for guided experiences

  • Communications with the Customer regarding the booking, invoicing, and payments

  • Marketing, sales, and delivery of Merchant's services

Types of Customer Data Collected

  • Customer's first and last name, nationality, postal address, email address, and telephone number

  • Customer's method of payment

  • Customer feedback 

  • Customer consent to direct marketing

The Customer may, at their discretion, provide additional information to the Merchant concerning personal or health issues.

Methods of Collecting Customer Data

  • During a personal meeting

  • During the booking process on the Merchant's online booking platform

  • Via message through social media channels (Facebook, Instagram), email, or telephone call

Recipients and Handling of Data Shared with the Merchant

  • The owners and employees of the Merchant have access to customer data

  • Customer data may be disclosed to Finnish authorities if legally required

  • Customer data may be shared with partner companies for the delivery of services requested by the Customer

  • Customer data may be shared with companies processing payment transactions for the service

The Merchant does not rent or sell customer information to third parties. The companies providing the social media platforms used by the Merchant (Facebook, Instagram) and the online booking platform (Aptual Commerce Oy/Johku) have their own privacy policies, which are presented to the Customer for approval during the online booking and payment process.

Storage of Collected Information

Customer information is retained in the Merchant's database for a maximum of three years from the date the service is rendered. Additionally, customer information may appear in bookkeeping records for as long as legally required.

Third-Party Websites and Services

This privacy policy applies exclusively to websites maintained by the Merchant, and the Merchant is not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites. The Merchant's website may contain links to third-party websites. The Merchant recommends that the Customer review the privacy policies of any other websites they use.


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Privacy Policy as of October 1, 2023